Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We arrive in Venice!

Alas, after many years in foreign lands, we are back home again. From the point where we arrived in the Persian Gulf, it has taken us another 18 months to return home. Our family expected us to come home sooner and believed us to be dead. After getting home, I met a man named Rusticello who offered to make a book of my travels. I hope my adventures will last through time for all to learn through this book.
My house

Rough seas

We have arrived a the Persian Gulf, although it wasn't in any way an easy trip. It took over 18 months to cross the South China Sea, pass Indonesia, round the tip of India, and reach safe harbor in the Persian Gulf. It was a treacherous journey, and only 18 of the 600 that sailed off with us in China survived. Luckily, my father, uncle, and I all survived. I cannot wait to get home.
Many of our ships sank and many men died at sea.

Going Home

Recently, my father my uncle, and I came to agreement that we would ask the Khan for permission to leave his lands. Kublai Khan was reluctant, but finally he agreed. When we left, we were entrusted with a mongolian princess to escort. The lands through asia are blocked by war, so have decided to take a sea route. We will be sailing on Chinese junks, a very advanced ship designed by the Chinese.
A Chinese junk

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Working for the Khan

For the last 17 years, I have worked as a senior tax collector for Kublai Khan. I have visited many parts of the Mongol empire, but I think that it is time I quit and go home to my family and friends.
I have travelled all over Mongolia during my job as tax collector

Kublia Khan offers me a job!

As we arrived in Khan's court, he recognized my father and uncle, then me from what they have told him about me. He thought of me as a intelligent man, and offered me a job as a senior tax collector. I accepted immediaty. He said he trusts me more than his own people, as a foreigner.
Kublai Khan and I

Monday, October 24, 2011

Arriving at Shangdu

After 3 years of journeying, we have reached our destination, Kublia Khan's capital city. We explore the city and are welcomed in the Khan's court.
Map of Shangdu and the surrounding region

My father, my uncle, and I leave for China

Finally, 3 years after my father and uncle returned, we are leaving to go meet Kublai Khan in China. It is late 1271, and we will be travelling along the silk road. I am excited they let me come, and I can't imagine what I will see on the way.
Map of the Silk Road